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Wooden Coffin Box

Wooden Coffin Box


These wooden coffin boxes are the perfect tool for use within protection and curse workings or as a representation of the dead in underworld and ancestral worship.

For use in protection magicks simply and the name or photo of your chosen target, place their name/photo in the coffin along with protection herbs and curios, anoitnt the items with a protection oil and lock it shut. As long as the coffin is sealed, your magicks will be rooted, and no harm will come their way.

For use in curse workings and the name or photo of your target to the coffin, along with chilli, a coffin nail, and graveyard dirt. Poor in a curse oil and seal the box shut with wax. Next, bury the coffin where it will never be found or burn them alive and set fire to the coffin as you watch their life fall apart.

There are 100s of uses for the coffin box use to your advantage!

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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