Mandrake Root (vial)
Mandrake or Mandragora is one of the most infamous botanicals within the craft. Being used for 100s of years for conjuring spirits, jumping the hedges, aiding in sleep/nocturnal craft, and as a potent enhancement for your magicks. This root is one of the most potent herbs our earth provides.
The root that often grows in the shape of an effigie of man can be traced back to before the Old Testament, where there are accounts of it being used in practices to aid fertility. Within the hebrew language, the word for mandrake means a love plant. Among asian cultures, it is also believed to help ensure that conception occurs. While in Western folklore, it has long been held that when mandrake is dug up, it lets out a scream so terrible that it Induces death to everyone who hears it. During havesting of this root there are many elaborate methods of pulling the plant from the earth to avoid this fate. With the famous chronicler Josephus even writing of methods involving using a dog to pluck mandrake from the earth so as to keep the men harvesting it safe from the untimely fate. Mandrake has also long been the source of mystical speculation, with some viewing it as the primordial origin of man, while others have written it as being a key component in the creation of a Homunculus; a creation spoken of in alchemy and other arcane arts that creates something akin to an artificial human. Folklore also held that mandrake only grew where a hung man had dripped semen to the ground, and that mandrake has potent powers that aid in fending off and protecting against demonic possession.
Mandrake is also said to be one of the sacred herbs within Hekate's garden...
Size - each vial contains multiple pieces of whole root as seen in photos.
If you have any questions please contact us.