Lavender Moon - Divination Oil
Lavnder Moon is our Divnation & Prophecy Oil. Birthed under moonlight this oil will gift Psychic Enhancement, Visions and will act as a guiding light in to the night. Anoint the body with this sacred oil, placing a drop on the palms, third eye and temples before Divnation work to enhance your ability. To open your minds eye, during Spell work for messages to be whispered through the flames anoint your candles and tools. Before sleep to induce Prophetic Dreams in a clock wise motion draw a sprial on the third eye with this oil.
This oil is laced and imbued with our Prophetic & Divination Botanicals. Apply the oil and alow the Visions to dance and sing.
Each oil blend has been distilled for a minimum of 7 months, entwined with our herbal botanicals which are infused with the finest organic essential oils. Each of these are are the perfect addition to any spell workings, rituals, ceremonies or offerings.
Each bottle holds 10ml.
If you have any questions please contact us.