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Writer's picturethemagpieandthemoo

Witches Wednesday (12th April 2023)

*Witches Wednesday*

Happy Wednesday Witches! Today's post is about a potent spell ingredient that most people with have in the cupboard or can get with ease from most health food stores, and that's Black Molasses.

Black Molasses is a witches tar, perfect for binding, control and protection. Black molasses is an amazing alternative to be used in honey jar workings if used correctly. The are many ways to use molasses one of these is great for having a hold and control over another, take a doll or a photo of your target and place in a jar, coffin or box. From here take you molasses and pour over your representation envisioning your hold over them growing deeper and binding to them like tar. This can also be done in reverse to push them out and keep them bond in one place using the same method but your intention will change, instead of keeping them close you want to bind them afar. Add a little molasses to all bindings as it will keep them nailed where you want them, molasses is natures tar. Now when it comes to using in love workings not only will it draw love to you but it will also keep love with you, keeping them faithful and loyal. So next time you do a honey jar try swapping the honey for molasses or add a little molasses to the mixture. You can also use molasses in protection workings, write the name of the person in to the ground and pour you molasses around the name, doing so envision that tar sounding them, with every negative action, energy and entities becoming trapped in that, sinking those in to the ground and grounding them through the molasses. For keeping workings and items hidden upon disposal pour molasses over the remnants binding them to the earth and stop others from undoing your work.

Molasses is just one of many ingredients that needs more acknowledgement and its possibilities are endless, so try working with molasses the next time you work...

As always Take Flight On The Wings Of Night...


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