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Myth & Magick Monday - Part 1 (20th May 2024)

(Myth & Magick Monday Part 1)

Hey Witches, in celebration of world bee day we are back with a very special Myth & Magick Monday post all about the sacred life givers that are bees!

Bees sacred across many traditions, these beautiful life givers can play an important part in your craft if you choose and know how to work with them. Bees provide us with so many blessings,and their honey and wax are only the beginning of those blessings. Bees in witchcraft are linked with rejuvenation, divinity, hard work, life and protection. They are often used within hex and curse workings packing a sting jabbingat your target. Bees can teach witches the untold mysteries of the natural world, they're viewed as divine messengers in folklore, navigating between the physical and spiritual realms, and are associated with life's sweetness and virtues. Witches have enjoyed a long and enchanting relationship with the bee, sharing many rituals, as well as other magickal traits that they have in common.

The white noise, (noise that cancels out other sounds) that beehives make, has been thought to have connections to Chaos magick, adding yet another connection to the witch. Bees also have connections to the fae, due to their winged nature, and frequency to be located in, or around flowers. Bees like the fae, are thought to be preservers of the natural world, due to their vital role in the pollination of so many plants. Bees were thought to have special knowledge, and the ability to foretell or see into the future. In Greek mythology the God Apollo was taught how to see into the future by the Thria­e: the three pre-Hel­lenic Bee Goddesses, Melaina, Kleodora and Daphnis. Bees in history have appeared in Mycenaean tomb decorations, with tombs that were shaped as beehives. This had made the belief that bees could possibly be psychopomps, or messengers of the dead.

Like butterflies, and dragonflies, bees are symbol of the soul, and its ability to fly between the worlds. In is said the voice of the soul is thought to be the buzzing sound of the bee. In folklore it is said that if one dreams of bees, they will therefore be blessed with good omens, although It is said that when bees begin to swarm for no apparent reason, it is most likely a sign of a bad omen. So witches have long shared their magick, and practices with the bee, even refering to their coven as “The Hive.” One never knows the next magickal path the bee may take.

Bees are truly one of the most majestic creatures to grace our lands, our lives are supported by theirs. Do let's support our bees! 💜🪻🐝🪻💜

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