Myth & Magick Monday
Happy Myth & Magick Monday Witches! Today we are talking about one of the most popular fae to appear across imagery in the west county especially Cornwall.
The Cornish Piskies symbol has been held in high regard by the cornish people for 100s of years, its become a symbol of luck, prosperity, abundance and protection. Charms are often carried in wallets and purses for luck or worn on charm bracelets as a symbol of a prosperous future and protection. Often cast from brass or bronze these small charms are formidable in Cornwall.
It's said the the Cornish Piskies live on the Highlands of the moors, and if your lucky you will see them dance and somtimes brawl along the stones and land. They are said to be small in stature, beautiful and dress in clothing that is very revealing. Within Cornwall you will hear the name and see the imagery of Joan the Wad who is said to be the Piskie Queen, Carvings of her are often seen in architecture, within the Wood beams of cottages and in painted town murals.
Piskies are crafty they have a habit of taking what they see of yours that will not miss, this includes keys, jewellery, fine fabrics, coins and it is said there favourite thing to take is ribbon. However if you find yourself in the position they will often return your items in the exchange of milk or and honey.
Witches across the south west will be seen leaving offerings of Honey, Milk, Sugar, Fruits, Grain and tied ribbons to trees for the Piskies in exchange for luck and Prosperity!
You will also find our range of Piskies Coin products and workings, learning to work with and welcoming in the Piskies of the moors!
"For the moons shining high,
and the dew is wet, and on the moss of the moors they dancing yet!"
Like many of the Fae Piskies have been heavily demonised and there tales have been retold to cast evil over them and the stories that are held dear. The fae as a whole are the primordial elemental spirits of Cornwall and the celtic lands, they are entwined with every plant, tree, rock and river. So think twice before you speak, think twice before you spin your story, and learn to see through a closed mind you have put yourself in. To disrespect the fae is to disrespect a land, its spiritual practice and its people so think twice. As the fae are Primal forces so to is the lion, would you approach the lion hand first and if so is it the lions fault it bites?
The fae like the lion of course should be approached with caution by outsiders and those new to working with them, and there are members of the fae family who walk and live in shadows but before you cast judgment and branding them all with the same fate, ask yourself this. Would you like to be branded by the actions of your family, your people, your race?
Learn the difference between the fairy tale, and the tales of the land. And next time you see a fairy ring smile and know that you are near the spirits of the land.
As always, Take Flight On The Wings Of Night...