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Flora & Fauna Friday (10th March 2023)

Happy Flora & Fauna Friday

Daffodil, Narcissus, Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly, Fleur de Coucou, are but a few of the many names of this beautiful flower.

The daffodil is the sign of the coming of Spring and signifies rebirth and new beginnings to come. It can also be a sign of new love. When a fresh daffodil flower is placed on the altar during a love spell, it is said to increase the spells potency, heightening the energies and the intent. The daffodil flower has also long been used in necromantic rites to connect to the dead and to channel them. A true flower of the underworld.

The Latin name for daffodil is Narcissus. It is believed to be named after the son of a river god from Greek mythology named Narcissus. Narcissus was celebrated for his beauty, but he became arrogant and vain. The goddess Nemesis noticed this and lured him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection. enamoured by his own reflection, Narcissus fell into the pool and drowned, but upon his death, daffodils grew along the riverbank. Another myth involving the Daffodil is the story of Persephone and her abduction by Hades. Hades, the ruler of the Underworld, had seen the beautiful Persephone and decided to take her as his own. So, one day, as Persephone was gathering flowers in the Nysian meadow with her maidens, as Persephone wandered from the group, Hades lured her in using the fragrance of the

beautiful narcissus flower.

The Daffodil has a long history, of love, beauty and despair. And is a powerful and potent flower in spell craft...


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